Hand In Hand Support Program (Foster Care) Mission and Vision


The vision of the Hand In Hand Support Program is to assist students in being the best possible citizen that elevates the larger Dallas Community and beyond.


The mission of the Hand In Hand Support Program is to support our student and their academic success by providing wrap-around services to students who have experienced foster care and/or been adopted by creating an innovative environment in a constantly changing world.

Goals and Objectives

  1. Provide wrap-around services.
    Objective: Staff will engage students using seven life domains assessing needs.
  2. Create an innovative learning environment.
    Objective: ​Staff will engage in transparent and brave conversations to create success.

Student Learning Outcomes


The Program Advocate will provide detailed instructions to students on how to have a tuition waiver applied each semester.

  • Method: The program advocate will provide detailed instructions on how to have a tuition waiver applied each semester.
  • Direct outcome: We will pull data from the current platform to see if the student-initiated application for a tuition waiver or if the advocate auto-applied tuition waiver.
  • Indirect outcome: We will survey students after the 12-week census date.
  • Achievement: 87% will self-initiate the requested tuition waiver.


Students will identify housing resources.

  • Method: A series of three workshops for current HIH students providing information regarding various housing resources (Trac, Housing Authority, and Dallas College resources) will be provided.
  • Direct: A quiz will be sent to all attendees at the end of each session.
  • Indirect: Peer to Peer with TLC support programs.
  • Achievement: 80% of answers to each question will be correct.


Students will demonstrate the ability to make appointments with HIH Advocates using current scheduling platforms.

  • Method: Based on the current case management process, each HIH Advocate will communicate with the students weekly and monitor student interaction and response. Program advocates will then provide students with three opportunities to schedule an appointment.
  • Direct: HIH Advocate will pull a monthly report from the current scheduling platform initiated by the student.
  • Indirect: Survey students at the end of each semester.
  • Achievement: 82% of our caseloads will create appointments three times a semester.​