Retiree Association Spring Business Meeting Minutes - March 9, 2023

The luncheon and business meeting were called to order at 11:45 a.m. by Retirees Association President Lisa Theriot. Approximately 83 members and guests attended the luncheon.


Lisa Theriot, President, DCRA welcomed the members to the luncheon and business meeting. She introduced current board members and honored guests and Scholarship awardees, including Dallas College personnel who have been instrumental in working with the DCRA. Lisa thanked Glenda for the wonderful slide show of previous events shown at the luncheon.

Introduced Scholarship Recipients

This year we are able to award two scholarships to the following students: Sheikh Abdullah in the area of Information Technology and to Maris Rodriguez in STEM - Math. 

Membership and Financial Report

Diane Graifenberg, the treasurer, provided a list of current members present at the luncheon, and the financial report. As of March 9th,2023, the cash on hand at Chase Bank is $28,109.22, less encumbered funds of $1,010.00 which result in unencumbered funds of $27,099.22. Savings $505.07.

Minutes and financial reports on tables for review and approval by the membership:


Lisa asked all members to complete an information form located on each table if they had not received the online notifications and newsletter. This form will help ensure that the data in the membershi​p system is current.

The Event Coordinators presented plans for special events throughout the spring. (These events are detailed in this newsletter.)

Linda Savage, secretary if anyone has events to suggest, they are asked to send them to Lisa Theriot, DCRA President, and Glenda Easter for the Newsletter or any DCRA board member.

Door Prizes

Rosie Steffen, Lisa Theriot, and Georgia Francis coordinated announcing of the door prizes.  Rosie and Georgia thanked all the individuals that donated door prizes.

President Lisa Theriot adjourned the business meeting at 1:30 p.m.

Minutes submitted by
Linda Savage, RA Interim Secretary
