Visual and Performing Arts Calendar

​The Performing Arts, housed within the School of CAED's Arts and Humanities at Dallas College, is a bustling, variegated community of artists and scholars working across the disciplines of Music, Dance, Theatre/Drama, Commercial Music, and Video Production.

Every year we promote manifold events, performances, concerts, and community outreach programs on our seven campuses. Please check our public listings as new events are constantly updated and added.


The Visual and Performing Arts department within the School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and Design at Dallas College present dynamic gallery and live event performances throughout the year. The department includes Music, Theater, Dance, Visual Arts, Digital Art and Design, Video Technology, Commercial Music, Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Architecture, Interior Design, and more!

Every year we promote manifold events, performances, concerts, and community outreach programs on our seven campuses. Please check our public listings as new events are constantly updated and added or learn more about our art gallery spaces across all seven campuses!


Art and Design

Dallas College is home to multiple galleries and spaces focusing on displaying art from local and nationally recognized artists as well as displaying work that is currently being created by art students and faculty.



Dallas College's programs of Music and Commercial Music offer a vibrant, sonorous series of student and faculty events with weekly recitals and frequent ensemble and symphony concerts.



The Dance program at Dallas College produces a rich array of original choreographic work by students, faculty, and guest artists, with performances by our talented body of student dancers.



Dallas College's Drama program sponsors full theatrical productions at many of our campuses with styles ranging from classical to contemporary to original work.

Please join the School of CAED's Visual and Performing Arts for any and all of our events this season as we collaborate with new faculty and community organizations to bring you a dazzling fusion of student and professional works.

Contact Us

For more information, please reach out to one of the following departments:

Performing Arts: