How-To Registration Guide


1. Go to eConnect and click Current Credit Student Menu.

Screenshot from eConnect highlighting the Current Credit Student Menu 

2. From the “Register for Classes” menu choices, click on Plan My Schedule/Register.

Screenshot from eConnect highlighting the Register for Classes Menu 

3. You'll be taken to a login page. Log in to eConnect, using your student ID and password.

If you are new to eConnect, a traini​ng video is available to help walk you through the steps of using it for the first time.

4. Click on gray tab Add new classes to my plan.

Screenshot from eConnect highlighting Add New Classes Button

5. Select Term (current year and semester) and which campus of Dallas College you will be attending.

Screenshot from eConnect highlighting the Term Menu 

6. Under Course, click the drop-down menu to select your course. You will need to do this one course at a time.

Screenshot from eConnect highlighting the Course Menu 

7. Add your Course Number.

Example: ENGL 1301
Screenshot from eConnect highlighting the Course Menu 

8. Click Submit to do a search (one course at a time).

9. After the search, select the best day (MWF or TR) and the time that suits your needs.

Note: From left to right, slots available, location of class, INET, start and end times.

10. Click the box in the left-hand corner after you have made your choice.

11. This step brings you to a decision box.

12. In the Action column, click on the drop-down menu and click Register.

Note: If you have a block in red, please alert your academic advisor.
Screenshot from eConnect highlighting the ActionMenu 

13. Once you have clicked Register and it appears in red that you are registered, repeat the process until you have registered for all your desired courses.

Back to: Current Credit Student Menu > Plan My Schedule/Register > Add New Classes to My Plan

Screenshot from eConnect highlighting Registered response 

14. After adding all classes for the semester, return to Current Credit Student Menu and click Print My Receipt.

Screenshot from eConnect highlighting the Register for Classes Menu 

All registered for classes? Make sure to read your course syllabus!

The Importance of Reading the Syllabus