Getting Ready for Final Exams

  1. ​Go to Class — And, Yes, On Time.
    • ​Resist the urge to skip class for non-emergencies. Don’t create excuses either. Reflect on the lesson from the children’s story The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
  2. Stay Engaged — Use Different Methods.
    • Some of us learn through long lectures, others prefer instructors with engaging PowerPoints, while others must do something with their hands. Try taking notes with different colored pens, pencils and highlighters to stay entertained during class.
  3. Don’t Cram — Study Now.
    • Waiting to study until the night before a major exam can be disastrous for your GPA. Throughout the semester, review your class notes before going to class and after class. This way you will retain more of the information through repetition.
  4. Stop Procrastinating — Manage Your Time.
    • Organize your days by designating time for work, hanging out with friends and studying based on priority of deadlines.
  5. Seek Support — Before Needing Help.
    • Remember: A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. We all go through stressful times. Arrange to study with others in groups, tackle challenges to learn material together and choose study mates wisely.
  6. Quiz Yourself — Improve Your Knowledge.
    • Make flash cards or go digital with Quizlet’s online tool. Gauging your knowledge before exam time can prevent all-nighters.
  7. Focus on Strengths — Not Weaknesses.
    • Are you most focused in the morning or at night? Consider your responsibilities at work and family obligations to allow time for work and for rest.
  8. Stay Positive — Visualize Success
    • If you tell yourself, “What’s the use? I’m going to fail anyway,” you will be 100% correct, 100% of the time. Visualize yourself doing well on the final and determine the steps necessary to make your dream a reality.
  9. Rest — Don’t Stress.
    • According to Psychology Today, sleep is beneficial for two important reasons: 1) sleep protects new memories, while lack of sleep makes you more irritable and forgetful; 2) sleep consolidates memories according to their relative importance and the learner’s expectations for remembering.
  10. Relax — Take study breaks.
    • Your brain can process a limited amount of information in a set amount of time. Take a walk or have a snack to recharge your brain. Remember to stay hydrated; your brain is more than 70% water.
  11. Repeat Steps 1-10 ​ Never Give Up.
    • Before you know it the semester will be over, and you will log into eConnect to review your semester grades and smile. You paid the price to win.
  12. Finally, keep a positive attitude!
    • Believe that you can and will succeed.