
D​​ecember 7, 2005, revised: Spring 2016, December 6, 2017, March 19, 2019, Fall 2021, Approved December 7, 2021, December 23, 2023.


The name of this organization shall be the Dallas College Retiree Association.


The purpose of this Association shall be to promote the welfare, social, and professional interests of its members; to participate and aid in the civil and educational advancement of our county; to provide support for the Dallas College; and to cooperate with retired individuals on all levels.


Section 1. Membership in this Association shall be open to persons designated as ligible for membership under the Dallas College Human Resources policies.

Section 2. Association dues shall be payable to the Treasurer on an annual basis coinciding with the calendar year (January-December) or a lifetime membership may be purchased.

Section 3. The amount of annual dues or a lifetime membership shall be set by the Executive Board with the approval of the membership at any Business meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting, provided the proposed amount of annual dues has been presented to the members at least one month before the voting date.

Section 4. Twenty-five percent of dues collected each year will be given to the Dallas College Foundation to be deposited in the Dallas College Retiree Association Scholarship fund.

A committee met and adopted the following changes in the bylaws which will be voted on at the Holiday Luncheon Business Meeting.


Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Past President and the RET Newsletter Editor shall both serve as ex-officio and voting members of the Executive Board.

Section 2. The President:

  • acts as the spokesperson, representative, and leader for the Association,
  • calls and conducts all association meetings,
  • coordinates officer responsibilities,
  • provides guidance and direction for the Association and works with the Dallas College designated Association liaison, Dallas College staff and Association membership in the achievement of Association goals and objectives.

The President shall also appoint the editor of the newsletter. The President shall have the power to appoint an official representative for meetings if unable to be the official representative. The President shall coordinate the printing and mailing of the summer RET Newsletter. All powers not otherwise delegated to other officers shall be reserved to the President.

Section 3. The President Elect:

  • serves as an understudy, preparatory to assuming the position of President upon the expiration of the current President’s term,
  • serves as assistant to the President,
  • assumes duties of the President in case he/she is unable to serve,
  • supports the President in the identification of membership needs and serves as Membership Chair
  • coordinates the recruiting of new members, sending welcome letters to new retirees, a membership form, the policy and form for requesting business cards, and a current RET newsletter, and provides name badges for members and guests attending luncheons/business meetings.

The President shall also appoint the editor of the newsletter. The President shall have the power to appoint an official representative for meetings if unable to be the official representative. The President shall coordinate the printing and mailing of the summer RET Newsletter. All powers not otherwise delegated to other officers shall be reserved to the President.

Section 3. The President Elect:

  • serves as an understudy, preparatory to assuming the position of President upon the expiration of the current President’s term,
  • serves as assistant to the President,
  • assumes duties of the President in case he/she is unable to serve,
  • supports the President in the identification of membership needs and serves as Membership Chair
  • coordinates the recruiting of new members,
  • sending welcome letters to new retirees, a membership form, the policy and form for requesting business cards, and a current RET newsletter, and provides name badges for members and guests attending luncheons/business meetings.

Section 4. The Secretary:

  • keeps an accurate record of meetings and reports regularly to the membership through the RET newsletters,
  • conveys such records to the Dallas College webmaster for publishing,
  • submits Colleagues We Will Miss information for each RET newsletter,
  • mails sympathy cards to families of deceased retirees who are members of the Association,
  • sends thank you cards to businesses who provide door prizes at annual luncheons and business meetings,
  • assists with Dallas College Retiree Directory updates.