Submit Photos/Videos

Share Your Stories by Oct. 25

What was it like being in the dual credit program? Show (and tell) us!

Send Us Your Photos

We’re collecting photos of dual credit students in action — class projects, field trips or just photos of you studying or hanging out with friends.

We'd also like to see what you've been up to since you graduated from our dual credit programs. If you have photos of you at the four-year school you transferred to, or a picture of you working, please share those too!

Send Us Your Videos

We’re also accepting 15-60-second videos from dual credit graduates.

Here are three topic ideas to choose from for your video:

  1. How did the program change your life?
  2. What was it like attending high school and college at the same time?
  3. In what ways did this program prepare you for college (transfer) or career?

How To Share

Upload your photos and video stories by midnight Sunday, Oct. 25. Simply follow the steps below.

  1. Name your file
    • Make sure the file name includes your high school name followed by your first and last name.
    • For example: “Wilmer Hutchins_John Smith” or “Wilmer Hutchins_John Smith2”
  2. Upload your file

Place your file in folder that corresponds to your school district. If you are unsure which school district your high school is part of click the link below to see a list of high schools by ISD:

Next Steps

We look forward to receiving your submissions by Oct. 25, 2020. We will release the Celebration of Success video on Nov. 14 to look back at what you achieved!

We'll feature as many submissions as we can in the Nov. 14 video. Stories may also be used on social media pages for Dallas College or any of the eight independent school districts (ISDs) listed on this page.