Electrocardiography (EKG) Technician

​​The electrocardiography program provides students with the skills needed to work as technicians in hospitals and cardiac care facilities.

EKG Technician at a Glance

$12.91Entry Hourly Wage for EKG Technician
+43%projected job growth through 2024

Source: Dallas College LMIC/CareerOneStop for Texas

Learn More About EKG Technician

Electrocardiogram (EKG) tests are critical in helping doctors determine heart health problems in patients. EKGs check the electrical activity of the heart to access heart rhythm, rate, strength and timing. They can be used to check the heart’s general health and electrical activity, and to look for signs of heart disease, heart attack, effects of medication or causes of unexplained chest pain.

The course covers the fundamentals of cardiovascula​r anatomy and physiology. Students will also learn basic electrocardiography procedures, interpretation of basic dysrhythmias, and appropriate treatment modalities.

​EKG Technician (​CE Skills A​ward)

Courses Required:

  • ECRD 1011 - EKG Technician
  • EMSP 1019 - CPR for Healthcare Providers

​​​​​​​Important: Check the CE schedule​ to verify if and when the class is currently being offered.

How To Search​:

  • ​View the CE schedule.​​
  • Select the semester you wish to register for.
  • Select the prefix of your desired course (example: HRPO).
  • Results for the course numbers, sections and times will be displayed for that semester.​​

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Looking to earn more? A career as an EKG technician can start you on the path to a great career in health care.