Request for Change of Name - Legal, Preferred, Gender

D​allas College Preferred Name Process

Dallas College provides diverse and inclusive environments where all students can expect to be treated with fairness and equity as they pursue their education. We recognize that some students use a name other than their legal name to identify themselves. We have established a process for identifying a preferred name.

The preferred name will be used where possible and practicable within the college environment, including within your student record and on your student ID. There are places where the legal name will continue to be used for college business or legal needs. Students who are using their preferred name should always be prepared to reference their legal name, as well as provide their college ID when necessary.

Requests to change a student’s preferred name are subject to approval by the Office of the Registrar at each Dallas College campus. This process is not intended to be used for purposes of misrepresentation or fraud. Repeated requests will not be entertained.

Legal Name Change Process

Legal name change requests are subject to approval by the Office of the Registrar. The legal name will be reflected on the student’s official transcript and on any earned certificates or degrees received through Dallas College. Students must show proper documentation to support a legal name change (e.g., court order, marriage license, divorce decree, permanent driver’s license, etc.).

Preferred Gender Marker

Students may also change their gender marker in accordance with their gender identity, enabling faculty to address them by their preferred pronouns, which remain binary at this time as gender markers are limited to M/F within our current software systems. Students should note that unless their sex/gender has already been changed on legal documents at the state level, they may experience difficulties with receiving financial aid if the information on the official college record does not match the information provided on the FAFSA.

Request a Change of Name (Legal, Preferred, Gender)

To initiate a request to change their legal name, preferred name or preferred gender, students should obtain and complete the Dallas College Change of Name (Legal, Preferred, Gender) form and submit it to the Admissions/Registrar’s office at your nearest campus or by email to

Download Dallas College Change of Name (Legal, Preferred, Gender) Form (PDF - 150KB)

For legal name changes, the submission of this form must be accompanied by supporting legal documentation, such as a court order, marriage license, divorce degree or permanent driver’s license.